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About OGRESRadio

Our Mission: To seek out innovations in the amateur radio and electronics fields, educate the current generation, and the next generation, and add fun and excitement while doing this. To band together, as interested parties, building strength and possibilities where individuals could not; and, acting as an advocate, on behalf of it’s membership.


Who: Off the Grid Radio and Electronics Society, also known as OGRES. A Non-Profit, ARRL affiliated organization, whose membership is filled with radio amateurs as well as those interested in electronics as a whole.


What: To foster amateur radio and electronics education for the current as well as future generations, and to have fun doing it.


Why: Our members have a passion for amateur radio and electronics, and wish not only to preserve their perspective industries, but to enhance and further them.


When: Now, is the time to act; by learning from amateur radio’s past, and applying it to our current situation, we can create a better future for everyone.


How: Each of our members have distinct interests and abilities; by combining our talents together, we will be able to do more than any one of us could do individually.


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